- A Monkey on stilts
- A Sensation on Land and Water, the Amphicar!
- A short but good article about the Unisphere
- Adam Carolla on Jenny McCarthy
- Agile and scrum in 7 minutes
- Aguas De Marco
- Alex cooks Japanese food
- Alex’s hacking challenge
- An accident or murder?
- Another Crime Scene
- Another crime scene
- Ants!
- Army men
- Bad Religion – Modern Man
- Barbie Dead part 1
- Barbie dead part 2
- Barbie dead part 3
- Bedroom Death
- Brokeback Mountain – working with idiots
- Complaints
- Crunky Ball Nude
- Dead at the front door
- Dead on the Street
- Death in an office
- Death in the news
- Don’t talk to the police
- Ford Edsel
- Found in upstate New York
- Frank Black – Freedom Rock
- Free Borsht!
- Full of happy!!
- Gary Numan – Metal
- Gentle Persuasion
- George Washington
- Glad I’m not human
- Godzilla Attack
- Godzilla on a tricycle
- Godzilla scream ringtone
- Godzilla, always a gentleman
- Greving Friends
- Heros by David Bowie
- High School CSI
- Hit and Run
- Hitachi ad – date unknown
- How to make money in your spare time
- Hugging the MAX!
- I just got a Stylophone
- I so know how she feels
- Introducting The Surfrajettes
- Just the thing for the chain smoking, pryo, 5 year old
- Little orange Godzilla
- Mark – reading a Halloween warning
- Meanwhile in China
- Microsoft Family Safety, thanks for helping me lose my f-ing mind
- Missile Firing Tank
- Monkeys for sale delivered to your door for under $20
- Monkeys In Little Cars
- More Amphicar
- More monkeys for sale
- Municipal Waist
- My current mood
- Necks of real men who eat breakfast in bed
- Netflix codes
- No Other Typewriter Can Do This
- Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
- Not a bootlegger
- On Quora
- One More Monkey Ad
- One More Unisphere
- Openai chatGPT – Die Harder
- Overheard in Penn Station
- Peace Through Understanding
- Please wait
- Pretenders – Mystery Achievement
- Protects hair, causes nightmares
- Quasi – Sea Shanty
- Remember people
- Ribs in a can!!!!!
- Roadmaster 2
- Roadmaster 3
- Roadmaster 4
- Robin is hardcore
- Rush Limaugh
- Seems logical to me
- Shamrock Shakes and a side of disillusionment
- Shimmer by Throwing Muses
- Single wheel motorcyle
- Spy Pen
- The 1959 El Camino
- The Andrew Cuomo
- The Beck
- The Bloomberg
- The Chris Christie
- The De Blasio
- The harder they come
- The Internet in 1969
- The Johnny Lydon
- The Loneliest Toy In New York
- The Pixies – where is my mind
- The quarantine affects us all differently
- The rat race
- The Roadmaster
- The Unisphere
- This is a computer?
- Thomas Jefferson quote
- Track and Field
- Very cool nontraditional stylophone player!
- When I’m old
- Who Has Your Wife Now?
- Who Killed Tweety
- Wilhelm Screams
- Yes More Unisphere
- Zombies ahead